Wednesday, November 21, 2007



Allah Ta'ala says, "O believers! Fasting has been made obligatory upon you as were made obligatory upon those before you, so that you may become pious." (Surah Baqarah, verse 183)

Meaning of the Word "Saum" (Fast)

"Siyaam" is the plural for "Saum" (Arabic words), whose literal translation means to "to give up", ""to leave" and "to be straight" (Tafseer E Kabeer). That is why to remain quiet is also called "Saum." In the Holy Qur'an it says, "I am fasting for the Merciful one today and therefore I will not speak to anyone." This refers to giving up speaking. In religious terms, to give up food, drink and sexual relations from dawn to dusk is called fasting or "Saum." (Books of Fiqh)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Fasting weakens the internal desires and the complete belief that Allah Ta'ala is watching all our actions and thoughts are firmly fixed in the mind of the person that is fasting. This consciousness, that Allah Ta'ala is watching everything we do, is not always present in the heart and mind when a person is not fasting. However, from dawn to dusk, even if we are hungry we do not eat. There is apparently no one watching but we do not drink anything. Our wife is in front of us but we refrain from any relations with her. The reason for this is because the fear of Allah Ta'ala is present in the heart of the person that is fasting. It is quite clear that if a person spends a month with this thought, that Allah Ta'ala is watching, then this thought will remain in his heart and mind for the rest of the year, that no matter what I do, Allah Ta'ala is watching. When the realisation that Allah Ta'ala is always watching is firmly fixed in our minds and hearts, we will save ourselves from all things that are not permissible, and this is piety (Taqwa). If we can become pious then we have found the treasures of both worlds. Fasting was made compulsory so that the people of faith can become pious.

When was Fasting Made Compulsory?

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Fasting was made compulsory 15 years after the proclamation of prophethood (Ailaan E Nabuwwat). That is on the 10th Shawwal, in the second year after Hijra (migration from Makkah to Madinah).

Allah Ta'ala says, "O believers! Fasting has been made obligatory upon you as were made obligatory upon those before you, so that you may become pious." (Surah Baqarah, verse 183)

Allah Ta'ala has specifically mentioned two things in the verse. The first is that this worship is not only being made compulsory on you, but it was compulsory on those that came before you. It is reported in Tafseer Kabeer and in Tafseer E Ahmedi that fasting was compulsory on all the previous nations, from the nation of Hazrat Adam Alaihis salaam to the nation of Hazrat Isa alaihis salaam. It was compulsory of the 13th, 14th and 15th for Hazrat Adam alaihis salaam. Similarly fasting on the day of Aa'shurah (10th Muharram) was compulsory for the nation of Hazrat Musa alaihis salaam. Some narrations state that Hazrat Nooh (Noah) alaihis salaam was the first person to fast.

The second thing mentioned in this verse is "so that you may become pious (God fearing)." The reason for all the commands of Allah Ta'ala is so that we may become pious. That is why the Qur'an orders us to be pious and God fearing time and time again.

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! All the worships, prayer, fasting, hajj, zakat, and all other worships enable us to obtain closeness to Allah Ta'ala and instils in us the fear of Allah Ta'ala. However, fasting is the best way to obtain piety (fear of Allah Ta'ala). On the orders of Allah Ta'ala, we accept that even permissible things (Halaal) are considered non permissible (Haraam). A person stays hungry, remains thirsty, even though he the power to get hold of food and drink. He does not look at his wife with passion. What other action displays this level of obedience to the order of Allah Ta'ala? Fasting is clear evidence of obedience to Allah Ta'ala's orders, even if it is strenuous and difficult, people do not miss the fasts. Fasting is a great example of showing that we are following the orders of our Lord and Creator. Fasting is a great way to struggle and fight against our desires. All these qualities take us closer to the path of piety. That is why my Master, the Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "If a person does not give up lying or doing bad deeds whilst fasting, Allah Ta'ala does not need him to give up food and drink." (Bukhari Shareef)

Giving up food and drink is not the aim of fasting; the aim is to become "pious." This can only be achieved if the person fasts internally and externally according to the commands.

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! If we do not stop ourselves from lying, cheating etc whilst we are fasting, then staying hungry and thirsty does not serve any purpose. Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said that Allah Ta'ala's aim is not to keep us hungry and thirsty but the aim is to keep us away from all evil. Now if a person stops himself from eating but does not stop lying, the aim of fasting is defeated. It is essential that we stop ourselves from lying when fasting. The reality is that not only when fasting, but at all times we should save ourselves from all small and large sins. May Allah Ta'ala guide us all. Aameen


Reward for Fasting

It is reported in Bukhari and Muslim that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "The reward for each deed done by the children of Adam is multiplied, and the reward given is between 10 and 700 times greater. Allah Ta'ala says, "Except for fasting. Because a person that fasts is giving up his desires and giving up food for Me. There are two joys for the person that fasts. The first is when he breaks his fast in the evening and the second is when he shall meet his Lord." The smell of the breath of one who is fasting is more liked by Allah Ta'ala than Musk (fragrance) and fasting is a restriction. When one of you is fasting, do not partake in idle chat and do not cause disturbance. If someone swears at you, tell that person that you are fasting." (Bukhari and Muslim)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Only the worship that is not for show is accepted by Allah Ta'ala. All worships have a certain aspect where others can see that we are worshipping. We see a person that is performing prayers and we call him a "Namazi." We see a person performing pilgrimage and we can call them a "Haji." Similarly we can call one that struggles in the path of Allah Ta'ala a "Mujahid." However there is no visible way to know if a person is fasting, therefore this hidden worship can only be for Allah Ta'ala. This is a great way to affirm that we believe in the One Supreme Lord, Allah Ta'ala. That is why there is no set reward for fasting. This is based on the Supreme Kindness and Benevolence of Allah Ta'ala who will give reward for it as He Pleases. This is the worship that no outsider can know about and therefore the reward for it has not been told either. The Lord that will give the reward knows and the bondman that receives the reward will find out how much he got when he receives it.
Note: Some commentators (Muhadditheen) alaihimur rahmah have translated a part of the Hadith as "Fasting is for Me and I am the Reward." (Azizi)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! What exalted position sincerity has! You will have seen in the above Hadith that all deeds should be done with sincerity. The truth is that we should complete every action and deed with utmost sincerity and devotion, if any one of our deeds is liked by Allah Ta'ala then we have it made, Insha Allah. That is why Ala Hazrat, Azeemul Barkat, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan alaihir rahmah pleads in the court of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam-
(Kaam woh ley liyjiye tum ko jo razi karey, Theek ho naam e Raza, tum pey karoron durood)!
Take that work that pleases you, May the name of Raza be well, millions of blessings be on you!

May Allah Ta'ala bless us with sincerity in all that we do. Aameen.

Future Sins are Forgiven

Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "The person that has faith and fasts with the hope of earning reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. The person with faith that stands for prayer (Taraweeh) during the nights of Ramadhan hoping for reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. The person with faith that stands to pray on the night of power (Shab E Qadr) hoping for reward, his previous sins are forgiven." (Muslim)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Our whole body is covered with the nasty marks of sins. Fasting comes to purify us and purifies us in such a way that there is no trace of sins left on us. It is a great blessing and benediction of Allah Ta'ala that through fasting for one month our previous sins are forgiven. Our previous sins are also forgiven through Taraweeh prayers. We should fast with sincerity and obtain the glad tidings of forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala. May Allah Ta'ala look at us with kindness and may He forgive us all through His Bounty. Aameen

Alms (Zakat) of the Body

Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Fasting is half patience. There is alms (zakat) due on all things and the zakat of the body is fasting." In another Hadith it is reported that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Sleeping is worship for one who is fasting, his silence is rosary (tasbeeh), and all his deeds are accepted."

Golden Tablecloth

Hazrat Abdullah Ibn E Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "On the day of judgement, there will be a golden tablecloth laid out for those that fast. There will be fish on the tablecloth that they will be eating and the others will be watching them." (Gunyat ut Taalibeen, Page 462)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! What a great exalted reward we will receive! In the light of the saying of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam, if we show patience in this world and fast, then on the day of judgement we will be seated on a golden table spread. No doubt, no one's efforts go unrewarded and Allah Ta'ala grants rewards according to his status. The one that fasts gives up food, drink etc for the sake of Allah Ta'ala and therefore Allah Ta'ala even rewards the sleeping of that person. He rewards him for keeping quiet and accepts all his good deeds.

Subhan Allah! My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! If someone sacrifices his comfort for Allah Ta'ala, then Allah Ta'ala accepts that sacrifice and blesses him with the good news of forgiveness. May Allah Ta'ala make us all punctual in prayer and fasting. Aameen

In the Shade of the Throne

Hazrat Ibn E Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that the Master of Madinah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "When the people that fast get out of their graves on the day of judgement, the sweet smell of musk (fragrance) will be coming out of their mouths. A table spread from paradise will be placed before them on which they will eat and they will all be under the shade of the Throne of Allah Ta'ala (Arsh)." (Gunyat ut Taalibeen)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! We can see from this Hadith that if a person refrains from those lawful things that Allah Ta'ala has forbidden us to touch if we are fasting, then Allah Ta'ala will bless that person in such a way that he will be sat on the table spread of paradise and will be in the shade of the Throne. The blessings and bounties that were given up in the world for the sake of Allah Ta'ala will be replaced by much better blessings. He will never be hungry in paradise, rather, whatever he desires will be granted to him by Allah Ta'ala. This is how He rewards his obedient slaves.

We should ensure that we put up with a few hours hunger and thirst for the pleasure, and earn the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. He is Merciful and Beneficent and will please us on the day of judgement. May Allah Ta'ala grant us a long life which pleases him at all times. Aameen.

An Amazing Angel

Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "On the night of ascension (Meraj) I saw an angel at Sidratul Muntaha that I had never seen before. It was so big that it would take a hundred thousand years to cover it's size. It had 70,000 heads and each head has 70,000 faces and each face had 70,000 tongues. On each tongue were 70,000 birds of light, and on each bird there were a hundred thousand pearls dangling. Each pearl contained a large river and there were huge fish in the river. The size of each fish was 2 years travel time. On each fish was written "Laa Ilaha Illal Laah Muhammadur Rasool Allah." The angel had his head on one hand and the other hand was on his back. The Angel was in "Khazeeratul Quds", in other words in paradise. When he praises Allah Ta'ala in his sweet voice the Throne of Allah Ta'ala is overjoyed and sways from side to side. I asked Jibraeel alaihis salaam about this angel and was told that this angel was created 2000 years before Hazrat Adam alaihis salaam was created. I asked how tall and wide he was. Jibraeel alaihis salaam replied that Allah Ta'ala has made a huge meadow in paradise and that is where he lives. This place has been ordered by Allah Ta'ala to pray rosaries (tasbeeh) on behalf of those that fast.

I saw two large containers in front of the angel and each one contained a thousand locks of light. I asked Jibraeel about them and Jibraeel told me to ask the angel. I asked that amazing angel what those containers were for. He replied this contains the information about the freedom from the fire of your ummah that fasts. Congratulations to you and your ummah that fasts." (Tafseer Roohul Bayaan)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! What a great reward for those that fast. May Allah Ta'ala give us all the guidance to properly observe fasts and safeguard the great blessing that we have been given. Aameen

Hospitality for the One who Fasts

It is reported in Hadith that when "Allah Ta'ala orders the people of the graves to rise, He will say to the angels, "O Rizwan! Go and greet my bondmen that used to fast. They used to go hungry and thirsty for My sake. You go with all the bounties of paradise and present it to them. Rizwan (who is the angel in charge of Paradise) will call out, "O workers of paradise, bring large serving plates of paradise, and bring food and drink equivalent to the grains of sand in the world, equal to the drops of rain, and equal to the stars in the sky and leaves on the trees. Bring all this and present it to the people that used to fast. They will then be told, eat as much as you please, this is reward for the fasts that you observed in the world" (Tafseer Roohul Bayaan, Part 2)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! The person that fasts will be granted a great deal of respect and excellence on the day of judgement. Allah O Akbar! Angels will be ordered to greet us; great dishes of light (noor) will be presented to us with all kinds of the food of Paradise on them. What a great reward for fasting. May Allah Ta'ala include us all amongst these fortunate people. Aameen.

The Importance of a Single Fast

Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam says, "If someone misses a single fast without reason in Ramadhan, fasting for the rest of his life will not make up for that." (Bukhari and Tirmizi)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Can you see the importance of the fasts in the month of Ramadhan? People can fast during other days too, but the excellence that the month of Ramadhan has is not available to the other months. Shaitaan is caged in this month, Sustenance (Rizq) is increased in this month, rewards are increased, and many blessings like this are awarded in Ramadhan, which are not available in other months. In this month a compulsory (Farz) act is equivalent to 70 compulsory acts in any other month, and a voluntary (Nafil) act is worth the same as a compulsory act. We should not be miserly with the fasts in the month of Ramadhan because to fast is compulsory. May Allah Ta'ala guide us all to fast regularly. Aameen

Benefits of Fasting

Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Struggle in the path of Allah, you will gain bounty and blessings, and fast, you will become healthy, and travel, you will become wealthy." (At Targeeb Wa'l Tarheeb)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Each of the blessed sayings of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam contains wisdom and advantages hidden in them that our minds can not fully appreciate or understand. For example, Islam made prayer compulsory on us. There are rewards promised for this prayer in the hereafter, but punctuality in prayer also has many worldly benefits and cures for many illnesses. If we obey the commands of Allah Ta'ala and His Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam, there are benefits for us in this world and the world hereafter. We are living in an age of science and technology. Man is exploring the creation of the universe and is trying to reach its ends. Scientists are researching each and every order and command of Islam.

Alhamdo Lillah! The more science learns and discovers, the more the truth of Islam is becoming evident. By nature humans seek welfare for themselves, and Islam gives them reward for all actions and deeds. Scientists explored the Sunnahs to see what benefits the actions of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam could possibly have. This was a curiosity on the part of the scientists because My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's actions do not need scientists to prove their benefits.

Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam declared that fasting was healthy. What does science have to say about this? Let us see in brief:
Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Chugtai writes in his thesis entitled "Sunnahs Of The Prophet and Modern Science"- "Professor Moore from Oxford University writes that "I researched Islamic subjects and was shocked when I got to fasting. What an amazing formula Islam has given to its believers. If Islam did not give anything else to its believers except the formula for fasting, no one would have a greater blessing than this. I though that I should put this to a test, so I started fasting like Muslims do. I suffered with stomach inflammation for years. After only a few days I felt a reduction in the pain. I continued fasting. Then I felt improvements in other parts of my body. A short while later my body was completely normal. In one month a complete revolution had taken place in my body."

Experience of Pope Alf Gaul
He was a priest who was in Holland. He has written about his experiences about fasting. He says, "I tell my spiritual followers to fast three days every month. I have experienced physical and spiritual benefits of this myself. My patients exert pressure on me to give them another form of treatment. But I insist on fasting for three days and those patients who are incurable, they should be made to fast not three days, but should fast for the whole month."

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Christians concentrated on the health benefits as opposed to the excellence of fasting, but when they researched on it the wisdom of fasting became evident and they continued to gain advantage from it. What a blessing of Allah Ta'ala that He has given us the guidance to fast and through fasting, has given us health benefits, spiritual benefits, and benefits if the life hereafter. May Allah Ta'ala enable us all to do good deeds. Aameen.

Reward of 100,000 Ramadhans

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Whoever spends Ramadhan in Makkah and fasts during the day and worships as much as possible at night (voluntary prayers), Allah Ta'ala will write for him the reward equivalent to 100,000 Ramadhans anywhere else. Also each day he receives the reward for freeing a slave, for mounting a horse to defend Islam, and these virtues will be written each day and each night." (Bahaar E Shariat)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! What can be said about spending the days of Ramadhan in Makkah Mukarrama and Madinah Munawwara? The feeling of fasting is quite different in Haramain Shareefain and the blessings are immense. May Allah Ta'ala grant us the opportunity to spend Ramadhan in the two Blessed cities, and grant us presence in the court of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam time and time again. May he grant us a resting-place in Madinah at the end of our lives. Aameen.

Blessings of Ramadhan and The Holy Qur'an

Hazrat Sayyidina Abdullah Bin Umar radiallaho Ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Fasting and the Qur'an will intercede on behalf of a person. The fast will say "O Almighty Lord! I stopped him from eating and fulfilling his desires during the day, accept my intercession on his behalf". The Qur'an will say, ".... I prevented him from sleeping at night, accept my intercession on his behalf." The intercession of both will be accepted." (Tibrani & Baihiqi)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Fasting may sometimes seem to be uncomfortable for the body and the soul at times. Similarly, after a long, hard day standing in prayer at night might seem tough on the body. However, if a believer copes with the pain and trouble for the short time in the world and remains punctual in fasting and reciting the Qur'an, they will both intercede for us on the day of judgement. The Merciful Creator will accept their intercession and will grant us paradise. We should attempt to always remain busy in fasting and reciting the Qur'an and make them our helpers on the day of judgement. May Allah Ta'ala guide us all and make the Qur'an and the fasts our intercessors. Aameen

Benefits of Ramadhan

Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "On the first night of Ramadhan, Allah Ta'ala looks at his creatures and when Allah Ta'ala looks at someone, he will never punish them. Every day he frees one million people from the fire of hell. When the 29th night arrives he frees that same number that he has freed in the whole month. When the night of Eid arrives, the angels celebrate and Allah Ta'ala blesses us with His sacred and unique Light (Noor). He says to the angels, "O angels! What is the wages for a worker that has completed his task?" The angels say, "He should be compensated fully." Allah Ta'ala will says, "Be witnesses, I have forgiven them all."

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! The bounties of Ramadhan are unimaginable. The rewards that Allah Ta'ala showers on us are countless. May Allah Ta'ala forgive us for the sake of the blessed month of Ramadhan and glance at us with His Mercy and free us from the fire of Hell. Aameen

If Only the Whole Year was Ramadhan

Ibn E Khuzaimah reports a long Hadith on the authority of Hazrat Abu Mas'ood Ghaffari radiallaho ta'ala anhu. The following is a portion of that Hadith. Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "If people knew the reality of Ramadhan, my nation would desire that the whole year would be Ramadhan."

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! We have been told of many blessings and excellencies of the month of Ramadhan. The reality is that there are many more benefits of this month that we are not aware of. If we were to find out the truth we would wish for it to be Ramadhan throughout the year. May Allah Ta'ala shower on all of us the blessings of Ramadhan. Aaameen.

Shaitaan is Confined

When the month of Ramadhan arrives, the doors of the heavens are opened. In one narration it states that the doors of Paradise are opened and the doors of Hell are closed, and shaitaan is tied up in chains. In another narration it states that the doors of mercy are opened. (Mishkat)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi alaihir rehmah explains this Hadith in "Ashatul Lam'aat" part 2. He states "The doors of the heavens being opened means that continuous Mercy is showered and there is no barrier that stops our deeds and prayers (Duas) from reaching the Court of Allah Ta'ala. The doors of paradise being opened means that Allah Ta'ala gives His slaves the guidance to do good deeds and accepts their efforts. The doors of hell being closed means the purification of desires, diseases of the heart, and evil thoughts and gaining victory over all things that lead us towards sins. Shaitaan being tied and caged means that the routes to evil thoughts are closed." May Allah Ta'ala enrich us with the blessings and graces of Ramadhan Shareef. Aameen.

Paradise is Decorated

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! The status and excellence of Ramadhan is such that paradise is decorated upon it's arrival. The maidens beautify themselves and call their partners with sweet words. Sayyedina Abdullah Ibn E Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "From the first day until the last day, Paradise is beautified and decorated for the month of Ramadhan. When the first day comes, the breeze blown by the leaves of Paradise soothes the beautiful women living in paradise and they say, "O Allah, make those our husbands who will provide coolness to our eyes and make us coolness for their eyes."

Sehri and Iftaar

Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam has stated, "Eat sehri because there is blessings in sehri. The difference between our fast and the fast of the people of the book (Christians and Jews), is the food we eat at sehri." (Bukhari & Muslim)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Always eat in the morning (Sehri) and display the fact that you are a Muslim and a slave of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Let's look at another Hadith about the benefits of Sehri and soak yourself in joy and bliss.

It is reported in Tibrani and Ibn Majah Sahih, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn E Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Allah and his angels send blessings (durood) on those that eat a morning meal before fasting (Sehri)."

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! What can be better than the fact that we eat Sehri and Allah Ta'ala and his innocent angels send blessings on us? Therefore always get up for Sehri and have some food. Showing benevolence to us, once more Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said on another occasion, "Sehri is complete blessings. Do not forsake if even if you only have one sip of water, because Allah and his angels send blessings (durood) on those that partake in Sehri." (Imam Ahmed)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! All these benefits are told to us so that we get up for Sehri. Even if it's only a little water, we must get up. If we act upon this Sunnah we will be entitled to countless benedictions and blessings from our Creator. May Allah Ta'ala forgive our sins committed knowingly and unknowingly. Aameeen.

Hasten to Open the Fast

It is reported in Ahmed, Tirmizi, and Ibn Majah on the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Allah Ta'ala said that I love those of my bondmen more who hasten to open the fast in the evening."

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! This Hadith means that we should not remain busy in chatting or in any other work. If the time arrives to open the fast (Iftaar) we should rush to open it. In a similar Hadith Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Allah Ta'ala prefers those that hasten to open the fast (Iftaar) and delay the morning meal (Sehri). (Tibrani)

Benefits of Arranging to Open the Fast

Hazrat Zaid Bin Khalid radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "If a person arranges the Iftaar for a fasting person or provides a soldier with weapons, he will receive the same reward." (Nisa'ee)

My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam's beloved devotees! Fasting gives us rewards, and providing an evening meal (Iftaar) to one who is fasting is also worthy of rewards. If Allah Ta'ala gives us the ability and guidance, we should definitely arrange Iftaar for people that are fasting. What items should the fast be opened with? Let us look at a blessed saying of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam.

Hazrat Salman Bin Aamir radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "When you end the fast, do it with dates or dry dates because it is blessed and if you have no dates then use water because that purifies." (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)

May Allah Ta'ala guide us to follow the actions of His Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Aameen.


Intention (Niyyah) of Fasting

Rule- Once you have completed the morning meal (Sehri) you should make intention in the following manner. Say, "Nawayto an asooma ghadal lillahe ta'ala min fardey ramdhana haaza." In other words, "I make intention, to fast the compulsory fast of Ramadhan for the sake of Allah Ta'ala."

Rule- If one is not able to make the intention at Sehri time, he should make the intention as soon as possible during the day and should say. "Nawayto an asooma hazal yauma lillahe ta'ala min fardey ramdhana haaza." This means, "I make intention to fast this day, the compulsory fast of Ramadhan for the sake of Allah Ta'ala."

What is Intention?
Rule- In general, intention means planning with the heart. It is not a condition to say it with the tongue. The same rule applies to intending for fast, but it is better to say it with the tongue.

Rule- If someone has missed many fasts of Ramadhan, the intention should include the year and the specific fast that he is making up (Qaza), but if they are not included then there is no loss.

But...The Fast Did Not Break
Rule- If you eat, drink or have sexual relations by mistake, the fast does not break. The rule is the same for a compulsory (Farz) fast and a voluntary (Nafil) fast. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- If a fly, smoke, or dust enters the throat the fast is not broken. Even if the dust is from flour that is being grounded. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- If you apply oil on the hair, or kohl (surma) on the eyes, the fast does not break. Even if the effects of the oil or surma are felt in the throat or if the saliva is coloured due to the surma the fast does not break.

Rule- If one does not bathe after sexual relations, or bathing is obligatory for some other reason, but still do not bathe, he will be a great sinner for missing the prayers but the fast will be completed. The fast will not break. (Anwar Ul Hadith)

Rule- If you kissed, but did not ejaculate then the fast does not break. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- Fast does not break by looking at a woman, even looking at her private parts but not touching them. If you ejaculate or reach orgasm just by looking or by thinking about sexual thoughts then fast does not break (though ghusl (bath) becomes compulsory). (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- If you chewed linseed or something of equivalent size and it went down the throat with the saliva then the fast will not break. If, however, you felt the taste in your throat then the fast will break. (Bahar E Shariat)

Did My Fast Break?

Rule- Smoking a pipe, cigar, cigarette, paan, and tobacco all break the fast. Even if the Paan or tobacco is spat out the fast breaks because the effects of these enter the throat. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- Swallowing someone else's saliva, or taking your own saliva in your hand and swallowing it breaks the fast (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- Kissing a women, being kissed by a woman, embracing her, having relations with her and ejaculating all result in the fast breaking. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- Vomiting a mouthful (deliberately) and knowing that you are fasting breaks the fast. If vomit is not mouthful then fast does not break. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- Drinking water in your sleep or eating something while sleeping or water entering the mouth because it was open will break the fast. (Bahar E Shariat)

Only Need To Make Up (Qaza)

Rule- If you thought that it is not yet morning and you eat, drink or have relations. Later on you find out that it was morning then it's necessary to make up this fast. You must fast another day after Ramadhan.

Rule- A traveller reaches home, a menstruating woman become pure, a patient becomes better, an infidel (kafir) becomes a Muslim, an insane person becomes sane, and a child reaches puberty. In all these situations it is compulsory (waajib) to spend the rest of the day in a state of fasting. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- If a menstruating woman's period ends after sunrise, and she makes intention to fast, that fast will not count. whether it is a compulsory fast or a voluntary fast. If a sick person or a traveller or a mad person who gains sanity makes intention, their fast will count. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- If a person is unknowingly involved in sexual relations before daybreak and moves away as soon as he realises then the fast does not break. If he remains in that position then the fast needs to be made up, compensation (kaffara) is not necessary. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- If a deceased person needs to make up fasts, the successor can pay the penalty (fidya) if he has left inheritance. It is not essential on the successor; it is better if he does. (Bahar E Shariat)

Compensation (Kaffara) is Also Necessary

Rule- Compensation is necessary when the intention is made to fast before sunrise and it is broken. If the intention is made after sunrise and the fast is broken, then compensation is not necessary. (Bahar E Shariat)

Rule- After breaking the fast an act occurred which gives reason to miss a fast which you had no control over such as a woman started her period or such an illness occurred where it is allowed to miss a fast then kaffara is not necessary.
(Bahar E Shariat)

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