Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Blessings of Remembrance of Allah [ Lesson 11 to 20 ]

Blessings of Remembrance of Allah [ Lesson 11 to 20 ]

Allah, In The Name Of, The Most Affectionate, Most Merciful
Assalato Wasallamo 'Alaika Yaa Rasool Allah
Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam
Wa 'Alaa Aalika Wa As Haabika Yaa Noor Allah
Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam


Lesson 11:
Hadith- Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu narrate that Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam said "when a person moves his lips to remember Allah, then Allah Ta'ala is with him. (Bukhari)

Lesson- My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, how much grace does Allah Ta'ala bestow on us, that He wants to bless us with His closeness. If we move our lips and tongues to remember Him then we obtain His Grace & Mercy. That is why our pious predecessors say that on the day of judgement, we will regret those moments that we spent in this world without remembering Allah Ta'ala. People will lament, "alas! I wish I had spent that time in the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala." Understand the value of our time and obtain the Grace and Mercy of Allah Ta'ala by remembering Him constantly.

Today Muslims spend more time in getting dressed, make up, and getting ready than on remembering Allah Ta'ala. For the sake of Allah Ta'ala, search out those gatherings where Allah Ta'ala is remembered. Please sacrifice some time to remember Allah Ta'ala and His Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam and you will see the benefits of this in this world and the hereafter, Insha Allah. May Allah Ta'ala guide us all to participate in gatherings of remembrance. Aameen.


Lesson 12:
The Kalimah is the means to obtain the intercession of Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam. On the day of judgement, with Allah Ta'ala's Command, prophets, martyrs, and the friends of Allah Ta'ala will intercede on behalf of Muslims. Through this, Allah Ta'ala will forgive many sinners. The greatest right, and the highest status of intercession is reserved for the one who is Mercy to all the worlds, the Light of the Universe, the last and Beloved Rasool of Allah Ta'ala. Whoever has recited the kalimah with heart and tongue, Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam will intercede for him. The evidence of this is in the following hadith.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu asked "Yaa Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam, who will be entitled to your intercession on the day of judgement?" Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam replied, "Oh Abu Hurairah, based on your interest in my Ahadith, I knew that you would be the first to ask this question. My intercession will be for him who with sincerity of heart and mind says Laa Ilaha Illal Laah" (Bukhari)

My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, kalimah e Tayyiba makes a person worthy of the intercession of Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam. When no one will help one another on the day of judgement, those who have recited kalimah will find help with the intercession of Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam. How can anyone understand or comprehend the intercession and the status of Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam. My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam is more loving and helpful than thousands of helpers. In this world and the hereafter, after Allah Ta'ala's Grace and Blessings, the person who has bestowed the most blessings and grace upon us is our Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam. Therefore recite the kalimah with sincerity and obtain the right to be interceded for. May Allah Ta'ala guide us. Aameen


Lesson 13:
At the time of death, reciting kalimah e Tayyiba removes the pain and pangs of death. By reciting the kalimah our death is with faith and the soul leaves the body easily. In this regard there is the following hadith of Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam.

Hazrat Yahya bin Talha bin Abdullah Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhuma narrates that upon seeing Hazrat Talha Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu sad & distressed people asked, "What is the problem?" He replied, "I heard Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam say that if one says some words then the pains of death are removed from him, his face will be bright and he will be at ease. However I did not have the audacity to ask him what those words were." Hazrat Umar Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu said "Definitely I know what those words are." Hazrat Talha Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu asked "What are they?" Hazrat Umar Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu replied " I know that there are no words greater than those that Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam presented to his uncle (Abu Talib) and those words are La Ilaha Illal Laah." Hazrat Talha Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu asked, "Are those the words?" Hazrat Umar Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu said "By Allah, those are the words." (Baihiqi)

My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, the pain at the time of death is undoubtedly very severe. It has been reported that the pain when the soul leaves the body is more painful than being stabbed 360 times with a sword.

My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, Kalimah e Tayyiba (La Ilaha Illal Laah Muhammad Ur Rasool Allah) Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam is the means to freedom from the pangs of death. Therefore, make it a habit to always recite the kalimah and be free from this pain. May Allah Ta'ala keep us all free from the pain at the time of death and give us death on Imaan in the blessed city of Madinah. Aameen


Lesson 14:
There are many things that also seek forgiveness for those who recite the kalimah; this is a great reward for them. What does Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam say about this? Let's study the following hadith.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam said "Undoubtedly, opposite the Throne (Arsh) of Allah Ta'ala is a pillar of light. Whenever someone recites La Ilaha Illal Laah that pillar starts to shake. Allah Ta'ala says "Stop", the pillar says "How can I stop? The person that recited kalimah has not been forgiven yet. Allah Ta'ala says "I have forgiven that person." Then the pillar stops shaking.

My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, what can be a greater benefit than the fact if we recite the kalimah, then the pillar of light starts to shake and asks for the recitor's forgiveness. We realise that everything loves those that recite the kalimah. We should keep the tongue, that Allah Ta'ala has blessed us with, in His remembrance so that all the creations of Allah Ta'ala seek our forgiveness. May Allah Ta'ala give us the guidance to do this. Aameen


Lesson 15:
In one narration it is reported that Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam was delivering a lecture on the pulpit (mimbar) when a Bedouin arrived. He said "I am a great sinner and also have a lot of jealousy in me." Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam told him to sit down. When the lecture was completed, Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam called the Bedouin. He presented his plight. Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam asked him, " Are your sins more than the number of stars?" He replied "Yes." He was then asked "Are your sins greater than grains of sand in the desert?" "Yes", he replied.

"Are your sins more than the raindrops?" "Yes" was the reply from the Bedouin.
"Are your sins more than the number of leaves on the trees?" Once again the reply was "Yes"
"Are your sins greater than the Mercy of Allah Ta'ala?" The Bedouin stayed quiet for a long time and then began to cry. Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam said "Do not despair, recite La Ilaha Illal Laah and all your sins will be forgiven, no matter how many sins you have." Then he stated "If anyone recites La Ilaha Illal Laah night and day, in such a manner that he stretches the "Laa"(with a Madh), then Allah Ta'ala forgives sins equivalent to 4000 years. When one recites this, the Throne of Allah Ta'ala starts to move. Allah Ta'ala orders "O throne, be still." The Throne says "Oh Allah, forgive the recitor of the kalimah so that I can be at peace." Allah Ta'ala then Says, " I have forgiven him."

My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, if we look at our lives and try to count our sins, then I believe that we will feel that our whole life has been spent in sins. However Allah's Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam is comforting us by telling us that Allah Ta'ala's Mercy is greater than anything else. He is telling us that the Mercy of Allah Ta'ala is supreme so come and recite Kalimah sincerely and Allah Ta'ala will forgive your past sins. The whole kalimah has great blessings, and if the first part (Laa) is stretched, then our Lord forgives 4000 years of sins. Here to recite kalimah means to first sincerely ask for forgiveness and promise not to commit sins in the future.

Subhan Allah, very fortunate are those people who constantly recite kalimah and remember Allah Ta'ala. May Allah Ta'ala bestow on us the blessings of the kalimah and make us worthy of His Mercy. Aameen


Lesson 16:
Hadith- Hazrat Umar Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu states that I heard Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam say " I know one order, whoever accepts that with his heart and says it with the tongue and dies in this state, then he will be free from the fire of hell and that is Laa Ilaha Illal Laah" (Al-Haakim)

My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, this means that whoever, as well as reciting Laa Ilaha Illal Laah Muhammad Ur Rasool Allah also believes in Allah Ta'ala as his Lord, believes in him as the Provider, as the Sustainer. In other words, having faith in all the attributes of Allah Ta'ala and believing in Him with the right faith; together with this believing in Muhammad Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam as the final Prophet of Allah Ta'ala and remaining steadfast and firm in this. If all these conditions are met then Insha Allah he will be free from the fire of hell. May Allah Ta'ala keep us firm and steadfast on the true path. Aameen


Lesson 17:
Hazrat Utbaan bin Malik Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam said, "Whoever comes on the day of judgement reciting kalimah for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala, on him the fire of hell will be made unlawful. My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, from this hadith we learn that kalimah should also be recited to please Allah Ta'ala. Rather all deeds should be done for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. Showing off is much disliked by Allah Ta'ala, one who is guilty of this will not even smell the sweet fragrance of paradise. The person who does things in this world for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala, makes it a habit to constantly recite the kalimah, such a person will also arrive on the day of judgement reciting the kalimah. Allah Ta'ala with His grace and blessings will make the fire of hell unlawful on that person.

May Allah Ta'ala give us the guidance to recite kalimah with sincerity. Aameen


Lesson 18:
Hazrat Anas bin Malik Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu reports that one time Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam was travelling with Hazrat Mu'az bin Jabal Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu following him. Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam said "O Mu'az" He replied "I am at your service Yaa Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam." Again Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam said "O Mu'az." He replied with the same response. Three times Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam called him like this and then said " If anyone testifies with their heart that nobody is worthy of worship except Allah ta'ala, and that Muhammad Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam is the Prophet of Allah Ta'ala, then Allah Ta'ala will make hell unlawful on him."

Hazrat Mu'az Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu asked " can I tell this to the people so that they may be happy?" Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam replied, "If you tell them now, then people will depend on this and will not do their deeds." Hazrat Mu'az Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu only narrated this at the time of his passing away. (Bukhari Shareef)

My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, Why did Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam call Hazrat Mu'az Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu three times? This was done so that the significance and importance of what was about to be said would not be underestimated; also that the oneness of Allah Ta'ala must be believed from the heart and not just the tongue; furthermore to believe in Muhammad Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam as the Beloved Prophet of Allah Ta'ala and to testify to this. When a person does this, Allah Ta'ala makes hell unlawful on that person.

The fact that Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam stopped Hazrat Mu'az Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu from informing others is that Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam did not want people to stop other forms of worship (ibadah) and good deeds. We se from this that Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam desires that through worship, his Ummah attains a high status and peace on the day of judgement. This is why Hazrat Mu'az Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu waited until close to his passing away to report this hadith. May Allah Ta'ala guide us to perform much worship. Aameen


Lesson 19:
Kalimah E Tayyiba is the key to paradise. Who ever has this key will enter paradise. The following hadith explains this.

Hazrat Mu'az Radiallaho Ta'ala 'Anhu narrates that Rasool Allah Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam said, " To say Laa Ilaha Illal Laah Muhammad Ur Rasool Allah is the key to paradise." (Ahmed)
My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, this hadith tells us that those who do not have faith will not enter paradise. Paradise is for believers, it is for those that believe and recite the kalimah. He who recites it with sincerity, stays firm on it and leaves this world in that state, will be deserving of paradise.

The kalimah has been called the key to paradise so that those that recite it would realise and know that if we stay firm on this the Allah Ta'ala will grant us this great bounty (Ne'mah), which we have never seen, and which is impossible to emulate or copy in this world. Therefore, together with the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala, have faith in the bounties of Allah Ta'ala. May Allah Ta'ala guide us all. Aameen


Lesson 20:
One time Hazrat Ibrahim Daasti was in the plains of Arafat. He had seven pebbles in his hand. He said "Oh stones, be witness that I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah Ta'ala and that Muhammad Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam is the Prophet of Allah." That night when he slept he saw that it is Qayamah. The accounting of deeds is being done. After a few people it is soon to be his turn. He was not successful and was ordered into hell. The angels took hold of him and led him towards hell and arrived at one of the doors of hell. One of those seven pebbles blocked the path to the door of hell. The angles of punishment tried to move this pebble but were unsuccessful. This happened at all seven doors of hell. Finally the angels took this person to the court of Allah Ta'ala. Allah Ta'ala said "you made those pebbles your witness and today they were loyal to do and were not disloyal. Oh my bondman, I, myself also testify to your statement of tauheed and prophethood, and in return I will grant you paradise. Hazrat Ibrahim says that when I got to paradise the doors were closed. Suddenly a voice was heard saying Laa Ilaha Illal Laah and the doors opened and I entered paradise.

My Beloved Prophet Sallallaho 'Alaihi Wasallam's beloved devotees, remember Allah Ta'ala loudly so that our voices reach all over the world. The walls and buildings will testify on our behalf on the day of judgement. Therefore do not be lazy in remembering Allah Ta'ala. Refrain from sins otherwise the places where we commit sins will testify against us in the court of Allah Ta'ala. Remember Allah Ta'ala much and make every part of the earth and all creations your witness, and always refrain from sins.

May Allah Ta'ala guide us all. Aameen

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