Monday, July 16, 2007

No Holocaust No NAZIsrael

"There's NO Business Like SHOAH Business. [Shoah is the Hebrew Term for the Holocaust]." – An Old Saying Among the More Cynical Elements of the Jewish Community

Holocaust is the raison d’être for Israel. No holocaust no Israel. So, as long as Israel lasts holocaust has to last: one cannot live without the other


Holocaust has been challenged not only by the Muslims but honest human being every where: And this will now, no doubt expedite the artificial creation of a so called Palestinian state which will not even comprise 34% of Palestinian land! Anxious and desperate politicians of U.S-U.K whose war-worry, bankrupt predecessors sold Palestine in 1944 to the World Zionist Congress at the end of the European II World war for the then $4,000bn finding it increasingly hard to maintain the illegal, artificial, expansionist and oppressive Zionist entity.

In sheer desperation they launched holy crusade against Muslim Afghanistan the third poorest country in the world and Iraq which was the most advanced Arab/Muslim state. Then they asked their Zionist masters to destroy Lebanon. Yet, the criminals can see no light at the end!

Austria, Germany and Switzerland are worried that if Palestine is liberated from the clutches of the Zionist war criminals then the jews who were imported from those countries into Palestine would return back to their country of origin. But the rulers of their country of origin do not want to take them back. And for this reason they want the so called holocaust to be recognised by all nations. And for this reasons these three states have made it an offence punishable by long imprisonment if any one dares to open his/her mouth and challenges the so called holocaust.

Mediaeval, poor, backward (Saxons)/Germans led the crusade against Muslim as saviours of Christianity in the past along with France. Now when Jesus christ is attacked German politicians do not protest.In those three Christian states any one now can deny God, deny the Bible and deny the Christ but not the holocaust.!! !

Palestinian state will be created if PLO recognised Israel, Arafat was told by US, UK and Israel. After much soul searching Arafat recognised Israel claiming the PLO as a sole representative of the people of Palestine which the U.S. , U.K and the Zionist entity never recognised, but Palestinian state was not created. Then it was demanded that PLO has to abandon their charter which was not after the liking of the usurper Zionist colonialists. Yet after much debate Arafat discarded the Palestinians charter. Yet Palestine state was not created and 5 more years were lost.

This five years were used to create as many new settlements as possible on newly confiscated Palestinians land and a Berlin wall was erected.! Palestinians were not only deprived of water for agricultural use but nearly 7689 mature/ young Olive trees were cut down to starve the Palestinians of their livelihood; the UNO watched in silence as a spectator!!! The jews know how long it takes for a Olive plant to mature because export of Olive is one of their lucrative cash crops!

As Al Hilal says before, Zionist entity is the only “state” in the world that has not defined its own border which is a pre-requisite of the UNO before UNO could accord recognition to any state. Yet the illegal, implanted, expansionist Zionist entity was recognised by leaps and bound by the UNO! This proves beyond doubt that UNO has become an extension of US’s Foreign office because U.S pays the biggest share to run the UNO!

The rulers of U.S. & U.K have to return back the money their war-exhausted, bankrupt predecessors took from the World Zionist Congress in 1944 while they illegally sold Palestine to the World Zionist Congress. US manipulated the UNO and gave Palestinian to UK as a mandatory territory of the UNO. This was a pre-planned conspiracy. That sell out document did not define the border. Hence the Zionist entity has got no defined border.

There would never be any peace as long as the colonial Zionists expansionists keep in occupation Palestinians land and the dispersed Palestinians are not allowed to return back to their own home. When the U.S & UK politicians speak of MIDDLE EAST PEACE they just lie. Israel, the artificial entity in the heartland of Islam was not planted for peace but to suck the blood of the Muslims/Arabs and to keep them weak and in perpetual bondage for ever. Last 59 years record is enough proof to testify the truth being spelt out here. Colonial European-American Jews will not leave Palestine till such they are paid back the money with interest, calculating in today’s term. No U.S. U.K politician has got the courage to admit this fact and this is the reason of FITNA (chaos/struggle) in the Muslim Middle East! Time has come for the truth to spell out!

AB – withheld62@yahoo. com
First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST & MODERATE Muslims. And I DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims Were Left to Speak Out for ME.

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