Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Healthy Heart - Al Qalbun Saleem

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

All praise is for Allah, the Most High, the Lord of the Worlds. And May Peace be upon His Prophets and His Angels. May Allah's blessings be upon our Holy Prophet, Muhammad (sallallaho 'alaihi wasallam).

"The Healthy Heart - Qalbun Saleem"

"... Allah never changes the condition of a people until they intend to change it themselves.. ." [Al-Quran 13:11]

"Only he whom Allah guides is rightly guided; and whom He confounds will become the losers. Certainly, We have destined many Jinns and human beings for hell; those are the ones who have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, they have ears with which they do not hear. They are like animals - or even worse than them, because they are those who are heedless." al-Quran [7:178-179]

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As for those who refrain from worshipping Taghut (Satanic forces) and turn to Allah in repentance, there is good news. So, give good news to My servants ¤ who listen to the Word and follow the best meaning of it. Such are the ones whom Allah has guided and such are the ones who are endowed with understanding. Al-Quran [ Zumar - 39:17-18]

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Is he who was dead then We raised him to life and made for him a light by which he walks among the people, like him whose likeness is that of one in utter darkness whence he cannot come forth? Thus what they did was made fair seeming to the unbelievers. ¤ And thus have We made in every town the great ones to be its guilty ones, that they may plan therein; and they do not plan but against their own souls, and they do not perceive. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÃäÚÇã (An'aam) - 6:122-123]

ãÇÇÕÇÈ ãä ãÕíÈÉ ÇáÇ ÈÇÐä Çááå æãä íÄãä ÈÇááå íåÏ ÞáÈå æÇááå Èßá ÔíÁ Úáíã

No affliction can ever befall except by the leave of Allah. He that believes in Allah, his heart is guided to the Right Way. Allah has knowledge of all things. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÊÛÇÈä (Taghaabun) - 64:11]


By the time through the ages! ¤ Surely mankind is in loss, ¤ except those who believe and do good deeds; exhort one another to the truth and exhort one another to patience. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÚÕÑ (Asr) - 103:1-3]

Abu Dharr (RA) reported that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "He has been successful whose heart Allah has made sincere towards faith, whose heart He has made free from unbelief, his tongue truthful, his soul calm, his nature straight, whose ear He has made attentive and his eye observant. The ear is a funnel and the eye is a repository for what the heart learns. He is successful whose heart is made retentive." [al Tirmidhi - 5200]

Assalamu 'alalikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,

The topic that has come to our attention today, as much as I understand, is the heart of Spiritualism and therefore the heart of Islam. It is not possible, at least for the writer, to comprehensively go through this topic and (perhaps) neither would be the readers interested in reading a large part of the Quran and Ahadith now. Instead, the most important parts shall be (briefly) discussed today, insha Allah. Another thing to mention is that this student is only trying to pass those things that he has learned from his teachers and this does not mean that those things are at the utmost level, instead the writer is trying to forward some pieces in hope that you will build a complete and better picture yourself; as Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) has said below:

Zayd Ibn Thabit (ra) reported: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_ him) say: May Allah brighten a man who hears a tradition from us, gets it by heart and passes it on to others. Many a bearer of knowledge conveys it to one who is more versed than he is; and many a bearer of knowledge is not versed in it. [Abu Dawud - 025_3652]

First of all, let us be clear about what the heart itself is. The heart is the center, the core of a body, ie: a capital city is the heart of the government (body) in a Country. The heart of a person is where the Soul is stationed. When the soul departures from one's body, we call that person 'dead'. Similarly, when that same soul does not get enough nutritions (light), that person becomes (spiritually) dead. We will take an example from the plants. Plants normally take nutritions from the two main sources:

  1. Externally from the sunlight, air etc
  2. Internally from its roots (heart) - soil and water

If we suppose that the roots of a plant is its heart (which is the house of the soul), then it will be very easy for us to realize the commonalities between us (humans) and the plants. That is, a human being also takes nutritions physically as well as spiritually. Now if we remove a plant from the soil, the plant would die quickly; similarly, if we block the sunlight and air from a plant, that plant would not grow up healthy. Therefore, both internal and external sources of nuritions are vital for the plants to grow healthy and so is it the same for human beings. When a person's heart is corrupt, that person is loosing a major source of nurishment for himself and this is where we understand the very important sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaho alaihi wasallam):

An Numan Ibn Bashir (radhi Allahu 'anhu) reported: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, ..... Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt and that is the heart . [Sahih Bukhari & Muslim - 001_002_049, 010_3882]

Abu Hurayrah (radhi Allahu 'anhu) reported: Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) had said: Richness does not lie in the abundance of (worldly) goods but richness is the richness of the soul (heart, self). [Sahih Muslim - 005_2287]

This is the point where we need to note that Allah sent Prophets to the mankind to tell them how be healthy, both physically and spiritually and this indeed is the heart of Islam. A supplication of the Prophet Abraham ('alaihi salato was-salam) clearly informs us about the importance of the purity of heart even on the day of Judgment.

æáÇÊÎÒäí íæã íÈÚËæä ¤ íæã áÇíäÝÚ ãÇá æáÇÈäæä ¤ ÇáÇ ãä ÇÊì Çááå ÈÞáÈ Óáíã

....And disgrace me not on the day when they are raised ¤ - the Day when neither wealth nor sons will avail anyone, ¤ and when none shall be saved except him who will come before Allah with a pure/healthy heart (biqalbin saleem), Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÔÚÑÇÁ (Shuaraa) - 26:87-89]

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Paradise shall be brought close to the righteous, which will no more be a distant thing, ¤ and it will be said: "Here is what you were promised. It is for every penitent faithful person, ¤ who feared the Compassionate (Allah) without seeing Him and will come before Him with a devoted heart." Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ Þ (Qaaf) - 50:31-33]

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And by the soul and Him Who perfected it ¤ and inspired it with knowledge of what is wrong for it and what is right for it: ¤ indeed successful will be the one who keeps it pure, ¤ and indeed failure will be the one who corrupts it! ¤ The people of Thamud denied the truth because of their arrogant transgression. .. Al-Quran [ Shams - 91:7-11 ]

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He indeed shall be successful who purifies himself, ¤ And magnifies the name of his Lord and prays. ¤ Nay! you prefer the life of this world, ¤ While the hereafter is better and more lasting. ¤ Most surely this is in the earlier scriptures, ¤ The scriptures of Ibrahim and Musa. Al-Quran [ A'laa - 87:14-19]

The facts that we saw recently from the following two Ayaat (verses) indicate that every society is a collection of people, and every person is resembled by what is in his/her heart. Therefore, the hearts of the people (as a whole) in a society closely affect the condition of that society.

Ðáß ÈÇä Çááå áã íß ãÛíÑÇ äÚãÉ ÇäÚãåÇ Úáì Þæã ÍÊì íÛíÑæÇ ãÇÈÇäÝÓåã æÇä Çááå ÓãíÚ Úáíã

... Allah has never changed the blessings which He has bestowed on a people (Qawm) until they themselves changed the condition of their souls; verily Allah hears all and knows all. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÃäÝÇá (Anfaal) - 8:53]

áå ãÚÞÈÇÊ ãä Èíä íÏíå æãä ÎáÝå íÍÝÙæäå ãä ÇãÑ Çááå Çä Çááå áÇíÛíÑ ãÇÈÞæã ÍÊì íÛíÑæÇ ãÇÈÇäÝÓåã æÇÐÇ ÇÑÇÏ Çááå ÈÞæã ÓæÁÇ ÝáÇ ãÑÏ áå æãÇáåã ãä Ïæäå ãä æÇá

... Allah never changes the condition of a people until they intend to change it themselves. If Allah wants to afflict a people with misfortune, none can ward it off, nor they can find any protector besides Him. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÑÚÏ (Ra'd) - 13:11]

Shayyateen (Devils among Jinn) don't enforce us to comit evil, infact we don't even see them. They only try to control our hearts by whispering into them. However, Satan himself has admitted that he shall have no control over those who are sincere devotees of Allah (al-Mukhlaseen) .

ÞÇá ÑÈ ÈãÇ ÇÛæíÊäí áÇÒíää áåã Ýí ÇáÇÑÖ æáÇÛæíäåã ÇÌãÚíä ¤ ÇáÇ ÚÈÇÏß ãäåã ÇáãÎáÕíä ¤ ÞÇá åÐÇ ÕÑÇØ Úáí ãÓÊÞíã ¤ Çä ÚÈÇÏí áíÓ áß Úáíåã ÓáØÇä ÇáÇ ãä ÇÊÈÚß ãä ÇáÛÇæíä

Iblis (Satan) said: "Lord! Since You let me go astray, I will make evil fair-seeming to them on earth and I will seduce them all ¤ except those of them who are Your sincere devotees." ¤ Allah said: "This course of action is all right with Me ¤ - you will not have any authority over My devotees except those misguided ones who follow you. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÍÌÑ (Hijr) - 15:39-42]

Now, here at this point, it is important to note that neither Devils enforce anyone to commit evil and NOR does Allah enforce anyone to accept the truth. Allah Calls to the abode of peace, bliss and real life whereas, Devils call to the abode of fire and distress. It is left up to the individual whether he/she responds to the Call of Allah or the Call of shayyateen (devils).

áÇÇßÑÇå Ýí ÇáÏíä ÞÏ ÊÈíä ÇáÑÔÏ ãä ÇáÛí Ýãä íßÝÑ ÈÇáØÇÛæÊ æíÄãä ÈÇááå ÝÞÏ ÇÓÊãÓß ÈÇáÚÑæÉ ÇáæËÞì áÇÇäÝÕÇã áåÇ æÇááå ÓãíÚ Úáíã

There is no compulsion in religion. True guidance has been made clearly distinct from error. Therefore, whoever renounces 'Taghut' (forces of Satan) and believes in Allah has grasped the firm hand-hold that will never break. Allah, Whose hand-hold you have grasped, hears all and knows all. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÈÞÑÉ (Baqarah) - 2:256]

íÇÇíåÇ ÇáäÇÓ Çä æÚÏ Çááå ÍÞ ÝáÇ ÊÛÑäßã ÇáÍíÇÉ ÇáÏäíÇ æáÇíÛÑäßã ÈÇááå ÇáÛÑæÑ ¤ Çä ÇáÔíØÇä áßã ÚÏæ ÝÇÊÎÐæå ÚÏæÇ ÇäãÇ íÏÚæ ÍÒÈå áíßæäæÇ ãä ÇÕÍÇÈ ÇáÓÚíÑ

O mankind! Certainly the promise of Allah is true, therefore let not the life of this world deceive you nor let the chief deceiver (Satan) deceive you about Allah.[5] ¤ Surely Satan (Satan) is your enemy: so take him as an enemy. He is inviting his adherents towards his way so that they may become companions of the blazing fire. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÝÇØÑ (Faatir) - 35:5-6]

íÇÇíåÇ ÇáÐíä ÇãäæÇ ÇÓÊÌíÈæÇ ááå æááÑÓæá ÇÐÇ ÏÚÇßã áãÇ íÍííßã æÇÚáãæÇ Çä Çááå íÍæá Èíä ÇáãÑÁ æÞáÈå æÇäå Çáíå ÊÍÔÑæä

O believers! Respond to the call of Allah and His Messenger, when He calls you to that which gives you life; and know that Allah stands between man and his heart, and that it is He in Whose presence you shall all be assembled. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÃäÝÇá (Anfaal) - 8:24]

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Is he who was dead then We raised him to life and made for him a light by which he walks among the people, like him whose likeness is that of one in utter darkness whence he cannot come forth? Thus what they did was made fair seeming to the unbelievers. ¤ And thus have We made in every town the great ones to be its guilty ones, that they may plan therein; and they do not plan but against their own souls, and they do not perceive. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÃäÚÇã (An'aam) - 6:122-123]

So far, we have seen the importance of a healthy heart, how the (collective) hearts of the people affect the society and that devil is our open enemy. The reset of this text stresses on some of the characteristics of a healthy heart.

Let's first look at some of the characteristics of a Dead Body. A dead body is:

  • Hard - Stiff
  • Senseless
  • without a Soul

Similar to a dead body, a dead heart is hard, senseless but with a soul that is made inattentive. In contrast to a dead heart, an alive heart is quite like the heart of new born baby: Pure, Satisfied, soft, attentive.

  • [ Pure Heart ]

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Paradise shall be brought close to the righteous, which will no more be a distant thing, ¤ and it will be said: "Here is what you were promised. It is for every penitent faithful person, ¤ who feared the Compassionate (Allah) without seeing Him and will come before Him with a devoted heart." Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ Þ (Qaaf) - 50:31-33]

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And by the soul and Him Who perfected it ¤ and inspired it with knowledge of what is wrong for it and what is right for it: ¤ indeed successful will be the one who keeps it pure, ¤ and indeed failure will be the one who corrupts it! ¤ The people of Thamud denied the truth because of their arrogant transgression. .. Al-Quran [ Shams - 91:7-11 ]

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He indeed shall be successful who purifies himself, ¤ And magnifies the name of his Lord and prays. ¤ Nay! you prefer the life of this world, ¤ While the hereafter is better and more lasting. ¤ Most surely this is in the earlier scriptures, ¤ The scriptures of Ibrahim and Musa. Al-Quran [ A'laa - 87:14-19]

  • [ Satisfied (filled with the Love & Remembrance of Allah) ]

ÝÇäÐÑÊßã äÇÑÇ ÊáÙì ¤ áÇíÕáÇåÇ ÇáÇ ÇáÇÔÞì ¤ ÇáÐí ßÐÈ æÊæáì ¤ æÓíÌäÈåÇ ÇáÇÊÞì ¤ ÇáÐí íÄÊì ãÇáå íÊÒßì ¤ æãÇáÇÍÏ ÚäÏå ãä äÚãÉ ÊÌÒì ¤ ÇáÇ ÇÈÊÛÇÁ æÌå ÑÈå ÇáÇÚáì ¤ æáÓæÝ íÑÖì

Therefore, I warn you of the blazing fire, ¤ in which none shall burn except the wretched ¤ who deny the truth and give no heed. ¤ But the pious shall be kept away from it, ¤ the one who spends in charity for self-purification, ¤ not seeking any favor from anyone for which a reward is expected in return, ¤ except seeking the good pleasure of his Lord, the Most High. ¤ Such persons shall soon be well-pleased with Allah. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ Çááíá (Lail) - 92:14-21]

ÇáÐíä ÇãäæÇ æÊØãÆä ÞáæÈåã ÈÐßÑ Çááå ÇáÇ ÈÐßÑ Çááå ÊØãÆä ÇáÞáæÈ

- such are the ones who have believed and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Beware! It is the remembrance of Allah which provides tranquility to the hearts. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÑÚÏ (Ra'd) - 13:28]

Þá Çä ßäÊã ÊÍÈæä Çááå ÝÇÊÈÚæäí íÍÈÈßã Çááå æíÛÝÑ áßã ÐäæÈßã æÇááå ÛÝæÑ ÑÍíã

Tell the people O Muhammad: "If you sincerely love Allah, then follow me; Allah will also love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ Âá ÚãÑÇä (Aal-e-Imran) - 3:31]

  • [ Soft, Humble (with the fear of Allah) ]

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Paradise shall be brought close to the righteous, which will no more be a distant thing, ¤ and it will be said: "Here is what you were promised. It is for every penitent faithful person, ¤ who feared the Compassionate (Allah) without seeing Him and will come before Him with a devoted heart." Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ Þ (Qaaf) - 50:31-33]

ÇäãÇ ÇáãÄãäæä ÇáÐíä ÇÐÇ ÐßÑ Çááå æÌáÊ ÞáæÈåã æÇÐÇ ÊáíÊ Úáíåã ÇíÇÊå ÒÇÏÊåã ÇíãÇäÇ æÚáì ÑÈåã íÊæßáæä

The true believers are those whose hearts tremble with fear, when the name of Allah is mentioned, and whose faith grows stronger as they listen to His revelations and they put their trust in their Lord, Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÃäÝÇá (Anfaal) - 8:2]

æÈÑÒÊ ÇáÌÍíã áãä íÑì ¤ ÝÇãÇ ãä ØÛì ¤ æÇËÑ ÇáÍíÇÉ ÇáÏäíÇ ¤ ÝÇä ÇáÌÍíã åí ÇáãÇæì ¤ æÇãÇ ãä ÎÇÝ ãÞÇã ÑÈå æäåì ÇáäÝÓ Úä Çáåæì ¤ ÝÇä ÇáÌäÉ åí ÇáãÇæì

When hell shall be placed in full view of all, ¤ then he who had rebelled ¤ and preferred the life of this world ¤ shall have his abode in hell. ¤ But he who had feared standing before his Lord and curbed his evil desires ¤ shall have his home in paradise. ¤ Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáäÇÒÚÇÊ (Naazi'aat) - 79:36-41]

ÇÝãä ÔÑÍ Çááå ÕÏÑå ááÇÓáÇã Ýåæ Úáì äæÑ ãä ÑÈå Ýæíá ááÞÇÓíÉ ÞáæÈåã ãä ÐßÑ Çááå ÇæáÆß Ýí ÖáÇá ãÈíä ¤ Çááå äÒá ÇÍÓä ÇáÍÏíË ßÊÇÈÇ ãÊÔÇÈåÇ ãËÇäí ÊÞÔÚÑ ãäå ÌáæÏ ÇáÐíä íÎÔæä ÑÈåã Ëã Êáíä ÌáæÏåã æÞáæÈåã Çáì ÐßÑ Çááå Ðáß åÏì Çááå íåÏí Èå ãä íÔÇÁ æãä íÖáá Çááå ÝãÇáå ãä åÇÏ

Is the one whose heart Allah has opened to Islam and is walking in the light from his Lord like the one who has learned no lesson and is still a non-Muslim. So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah! They are clearly in error. ¤ Allah has revealed the most beautiful message, a Book consistent in its verses yet repeating its teachings in different ways. Those who fear their Lord are filled with awe when they hear it, their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance of Allah. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides with it whom He pleases. But he to whom He confounds shall have none to guide him. ¤ Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÒãÑ (Zumar) - 39:22-23]

  • [ Attentive, Conscious ]

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No bearer of a burden will bear another's burden, and if a heavy laden person cries out for help, none will come forward to share the least of his burden, even though he be a close relative. You can only admonish those who fear their Lord - though they cannot see Him - and establish Salah. He that purifies himself does so for his own good. To Allah is the destination of all.¤ The blind and the seeing are not alike; ¤ nor the darkness and the Light; ¤ nor the shade and the heat; ¤ nor the living and the dead. Certainly Allah can make anyone hear if He so wills; but, you cannot make those who are in the graves hear you. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÝÇØÑ (Faatir) - 35:18-22]

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Is he who was dead then We raised him to life and made for him a light by which he walks among the people, like him whose likeness is that of one in utter darkness whence he cannot come forth? Thus what they did was made fair seeming to the unbelievers. ¤ And thus have We made in every town the great ones to be its guilty ones, that they may plan therein; and they do not plan but against their own souls, and they do not perceive. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÃäÚÇã (An'aam) - 6:122-123]

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Have they not traveled through the land? Have they no hearts to learn wisdom, or ears to hear the Truth? Certainly it is not their eyes which are blind, but it is the hearts in their breasts which are blind. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÍÌ (Hajj) - 22:46]

"Certainly, We have destined many Jinns and human beings for hell; those are the ones who have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, they have ears with which they do not hear. They are like animals - or even worse than them, because they are those who are heedless." al-Quran [7:179]

The fact is that a heart that is not filled with the LOVE OF ALLAH, will get the LOVE OF WORLD in it. And a heart that is not filled with the FEAR OF ALLAH, will get the FEAR OF PEOPLE, FEAR of loose of wealth etc.

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You can never attain righteousness unless you spend in the cause of Allah that which you dearly cherish; and whatever you spend surely it is known to Allah. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ Âá ÚãÑÇä (Aal-e-Imran) - 3:92]

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Nay, the fact is that you people love this fleeting life ¤ and are heedless to the Hereafter. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÞíÇãÉ (Qiyaamah) - 75:20-21]


But O men! You prefer the life of this world; ¤ while the Hereafter is better and everlasting. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ ÇáÃÚáì (A'laa) - 87:16-17]

These are some words that helped me and insha Allah, you will find them beneficial. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) gave his Sahabah the light which was given to him by Allah, those Sahabah illuminated the rest of the world with the help of Allah and thus are we Muslims now, alhamdulillah. Only one candle is sufficient to light a thousand candles, interestingly, without loosing any light! However, the overall light of a thousand candles does brighten the surrounding! If Allah wishes to keep the candles bright, then even the storms cannot stop candles from illuminating. Allahu noorus-Samawati wal-ard. Let us hope to be among those sincere devotees of Allah (al-Mukhlaseen) , over whom the Satan has no control.

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Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate from the truth after you have guided us, and grant us Your own mercy; You are the Grantor of bounties without measure. Al-Quran [ ÓæÑÉ Âá ÚãÑÇä (Aal-e-Imran) - 3:8]

Abu Hurayrah narrated: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_ him) used to say: "O Allah, I seek refuge in Thee from four things: Knowledge which does not profit, a heart which is not submissive, a soul which has an insatiable appetite, and a supplication which is not heard." [Abu Dawud - 008_1543]

"Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, He is free from what they ascribe to Him!
Peace be on the Messengers, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds." Al-Quran [37:180-182]

wa Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatu Allah,


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