Wednesday, July 25, 2007




I am an old smoker but am trying to give up. Meanwhile, I want to know that if I smoke after making wudu, doest it invalidate my Wudu? Some people say that just rinsing your mouth is enough.

Arif Khawaja, Birmingham


Smoking is not a good habit. Some scholars even say it to be Haram (unlawful). But we do not want to go into this argument of lawful and unlawful. However, all scholars do agree that smoking is a bad habit and medically bad for your health. In a Hadith where the Prophet (salla-Llaahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam) mentions things which invalidate Wudu, he does not mention tobacco or any such thing, so considering this we cannot say it breaks your Wudu. We do strongly recommend that you make Wudu again, or at least rinse mouth thoroughly to completely remove any smell of cigarettes. The Prophet (salla-Llaahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam) forbade eating things like garlic and onions before coming to the Mosque because of their smell, and asked people to rinse their mouth. No doubt, a cigarette has a stronger smell than these.

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