Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Checking for cancer by yourself

Checking for cancer by yourself
The 'European Code Against Cancer' is a checklist for possible signs of cancer. There are some important signs to look out for. You should contact your doctor if you have
· A lump anywhere in your body
· Changes in a mole on your skin
· A cough or hoarseness that won't go away
· A change in bowel habits
· Any abnormal bleeding
· Unexplained weight loss
Most breast and testicular cancers are found first by the person with the cancer or their partner. We should all become familiar with how our bodies feel and look. So when there is a change we notice it quickly. Get into the habit of feeling your breasts or testicles regularly. Notice how the skin looks and feels. Become familiar with the shape and any lumpiness that is normal for you. If there is anything unusual, go to your GP.
You should see a doctor if you notice any changes to a mole such as
· Bleeding
· Itching
· Getting bigger
· Changing in shape or colour
If you have a lot of moles, or moles in places that are difficult for you to see, ask someone close to help you examine them. They will need to become familiar with where your moles are and what they look like.

You may be at high risk if you have a family history of melanoma and more than 50-100 moles. You can ask your GP to refer you to a skin specialist or screening clinic where you can be seen regularly to have your moles examined by a doctor or specially trained nurse. Any changes can then be picked up quickly.
Coughing and hoarseness
If you have a cough for more than 2 weeks, get it checked by your GP. It will probably just be inflammation or infection. But if it is cancer, the earlier you find out, the easier it will be to treat and possibly cure. If there is any blood in your sputum when you cough it up, you should definitely go to the doctor.

A hoarse voice that lasts more than 2 weeks or keeps coming back could be a sign of cancer of the larynx (voice box). It may just be laryngitis, but you should get it checked.
Bowel habits
This is a case of what is normal for you. Notice how often you normally have a bowel motion and whether it is normal for you to have a looser or firmer stool. Then if your usual pattern of going to the toilet changes, see your doctor. If you are having difficulty passing stools or wanting to strain frequently then you should see your GP.

A stool that looks black, like tar, may mean that you have bleeding somewhere in your bowel. This needs checking urgently. If you notice fresh blood, it is probably piles. But it could be cancer, so you should have an examination at the GP to rule it out. Piles are normally painful or itchy, so fresh blood without either of those signs should definitely be investigated.
Bleeding that is not a period may not be caused by cancer, but it is a sign that something is wrong and should be checked.
If you have bleeding from the back passage, you probably have piles, but it could be an early sign of a cancer.
Vaginal bleeding between periods, after sex or at any time if you are past your menopause, could be a sign of cancer of the cervix or womb. Again, there are many other more likely causes, but see your doctor to rule cancer out.
Blood in the urine could be a sign of infection. But it could be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer and so should be checked by your GP. If you have obvious bright red blood in your urine, and you do not have an infection, your doctor should really send you to a specialist in bladder diseases. This is a consultant called a urologist. Be aware, though, that pink or red urine can be caused by colouring in medicines or foods, or naturally coloured foods that you have eaten such as beetroot or blackberries. If you can rule those out, then go to the doctor.
If you vomit and notice blood you should tell your doctor straight away. It is most likely to be from a bleeding stomach ulcer or from irritation to the stomach lining. But it could also be stomach cancer. Any of these need checking by a doctor.

Frequent nosebleeds are unlikely to be caused by cancer. But very rarely, this could be a sign of leukaemia, although it is unlikely to be the only sign.
Losing weight
If you suddenly lose a lot of weight in a short time, when you are not dieting, then get a check up. A lot of weight means roughly 5kg or 10lbs over a couple of months (but this also depends on your normal height and weight).

Remember - in most cases, these symptoms will turn out to be something other than cancer. But they are all signs of illness and so you won't be wasting your doctor's time getting them checked out. And the sooner the better. Why waste time worrying when a quick check up could be all you need?

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