Thursday, July 12, 2007

Don't Apologize for Being A Muslim Woman!

“In Terms of Integrating Into Western Society We Muslims Are Prepared To Do That, But NOT at the COST of LOSING Our Identity as MANY Other Communities Have DONE Already. In Their Quest to be Loyal to the West & to INTEGRATE Fully the SICKULARISTS, the MUTTERATES & the FOOLARISTS Within the Muslim Community Should Lead by e.g. & Allow Their Sons & Daughters to Go To NIGHTCLUBS & PUBS & Engage in ILLICIT Sexual Relationships (Straight & Homosexual), etc. After All This is Quite NORMAL & ACCEPTABLE Nowadays & Only the Backward & Ignorant Islamic Fundamentalists Oppose Such Activities As Being Decadent & Wicked." - AB

Don't Apologize for Being A Muslim Woman!

Extracts from Live Dialogue "Does Being A Muslim Woman Need An Apology?" With Tayyibah Taylor Founder of Aziz Magazine

For centuries
Muslim women have been defined by men
Or by people who do not live from an Islamic perspective.

With some Muslim men
There is a double standard.

When such men, begin to understand Islam,
They will want for women what they want for themselves:
Respect and autonomy.

Nothing will change unless we first make it known
That it should change and why.

Islam gives us the best way of life.
So why settle for second best?

Muslim women need to educate themselves about Islam,
About what is going on in the world,
About themselves as women,
To present themselves in a better way-
With joy.

Really connecting with Allah five times a day,
Brings a sense of joy that is filled with peace and joy.

Often times as women
We give up our power
-The power that Allah has given to us-
By degrading ourselves and allowing ourselves
To be used and abused.

When other women who relinquish this
Power sees us reclaiming it,
They must be confused and feel threatened.
Respecting ourselves is a part of
Raising our consciousness as women,
As human-beings,
And believers in Allah and the

Trying to attain Taqwa
Can be reflected in one's appearance.
Covering one's body demands
Attention of the mind.
A person in control of the mind is a
Person to be reckoned with.

If we live our lives knowing
We are returning to Allah,
We will improve our actions, deeds and acts of

Worship is not just confined to Salath
And Fasting,
But to dealing with each other and
Contributing to our society.

Developing our talents and abilities is
A part of worship.
Making positive contributions to
Community, society and the world is a
Part of worship.

Allah asks
"Which of the favors of your Lord Will?
You deny?"
Each of us is a gifted with talent and ability.
Will you deny what Allah has given to
You or will you use it?

They do not know what you believe and why.
It is your right and duty to educate
Others how to treat you.
Educate them about your social parameters.
Let them know who you are and what
You are about.
They will respect you.
AB – withheld62@yahoo. com
First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST & MODERATE Muslims. And I DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims Were Left to Speak Out for ME.

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