- Sufyan bin Sa’id Athauri (Kufah)
- Sufyan bin ‘Aeniyah (Kufah)
- ‘Ali bin Mas-her (Kufah)
- Abu Muawiyah Al-farid (Kufah)
- Wakee’ bin Al-Haraah (Kufah)
- Younus bin Bukayr (Kufah)
- Abu Salmah (Kufah)
- Hamaad bin Zayd (Kufah)
- ‘Abdah bin Sulayman (Kufah)
- Hamaad bin Salmah (Basrah)
- Ja’far bin Sulayman (Basrah)
- Hamaad bin Sa’id (Basrah)
- Wahab bin Khalid (Basrah)
Hashaam when moved to Iraq in 132 hijri, his age was 71 years and till this age there was no one in Madinah who could narrate this story from him.
Now either Kufis fabricated this narration and attributed it to Hashaam or this is the result of Hashaam’s fantasies as he himself married 9 year old Fatimah bint Al-Manzar, four years before his own birth. This is such a magnificent historic work which no one on earth has been able to perform till today.
I am sure the following saying of Hashaam, which he delivered during his life in Madinah, will make us all great fans of him:
He said,
When an Iraqi narrates 1000 hadiths to you, throw 990 of them on the ground and keep suspecting the rest of 10 as well.
If we keep in view this quote from Hashaam, many problems will begin to solve all by themselves.
Ummul Momineen in Badr
Imam Muslim in his Sahih has transmitted from Ummul Momineen ‘Aishah radhiyAllahu 'anha via ‘Arwah bin Zubayr that they (Ummul Momineen) say:
Nabi Kareem sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam departed for Badr, when he (sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam) reached Harat-al-Ghareerah, a man came to him who was famous for his courage and bravery. Sahabah Kiraam (ridhwanullahe alayhim) got very happy seeing him. Coming closer he asked Nabi Kareem sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam, ‘I have come to you in order to participate in the war alongwith you and I also suffer this hardship along with you.’, he (sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam) asked, ‘Do you believe in Allah and His Messenger?’, he said, ‘No.’, he (sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam) said, ‘Go back, I don’t need assistance from a polytheist.’
Ummul Momineen say, ‘The man went back but when We reached Shajrah, the same guy came again, he (sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam) asked him the same question that if he believed in Allah and His Messenger, he (the man) said, ‘No.’, he (sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam) said, ‘I don’t require any polytheist for help.’, so the the man went back.
Ummul Momineen say, ‘When We we reached the place of Baydaa, the same guy returned again. Nabi Kareem sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam asked him the same question ‘Do you believe in Allah and His Messenger?’, he (the man) said, ‘Yes.’, he (sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam) said, ‘Ok then, come on.’
(Sahih Muslim, volume 2, page 118)
May Allah bless Imam Muslim who has presented this narration with such an excellent Sanad that no subversive mind can point finger on any narrator of this narration. He has proven through this incident that Ummul Momineen herself was present in Ghazwah of Badr and she came into the marriage with the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam in 1 hijri and remained in marriage for 10 years and what the 9 years of married life is mentioned in Hashaam's narration is not correct.
Imam Muslim has proven that Ummul Momineen were not fond of playing with dolls but their favourite hobby was to play with swords rather they were brought up by the sword itself. The girl watching the play of swords doesn’t play with dolls. This playing with dolls is the hobby of ‘Ajamis (Non-Arabs) and not the Arabic style. These Iraqi narrators want to buy their own women’s practises at the door of Ummul Momineen. And probably the purpose in view would be to level the way saying what understanding would be of Quran and Sunnah by a girl who had passed her time playing with dolls.
We conclude from this hadith of Imam Muslim that Ummul Momineen Hadhrat Aishah radhiyAllahu 'anha were present at the Ghazwah of Badr and they are the only one from women who are Badriyah.
Hadhrat Umar radhiyAllahu 'anhu when prescribed stipend (subsistence allowance) in his caliphate, the allowances for Badrayn were more than for Non-Badrayn, and the allowance prescribed for Hadhrat ‘Aishah radhiyAllahu 'anha was more than for other mothers of believers. And this certainly is an evidence which goes in favour of her participating in Badr and this honour was not with any other mother of believers not to speak of any other woman on earth.
Moreover this should be noted that women who participated in war had many responsibilities, collecting the injoured from battlefield, their medical aid, giving drinking water to the mujahideen and injoured, even supplying arms if required. Obviously this is beyond practice that a 9 year old girl should serve in the battlefield.
Ummul Momineen in Uhud
Rasoolullah sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam had the insight of what would happen in Ghazwah of Uhud that is why he (sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam) didn’t permit boys of aged 14 to participate in the war. In those underaged boys were included Hadhrat Samrah bin Jundub, Hadhrat Baraa bin ‘Aazib, Hadhrat Anas bin Malik, Hadhrat Zayd bin Thabit and Hadhrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar (ridhwanullahe alayhim ajma’een) even Ibn Umar radhiyAllahu 'anhu says,
‘I was not allowed to participate in Ghazwah of Uhud because my age was 14 years then and the first Ghazwah in which I participated was Ghazwah of Khandaq (Ahzab).’
So the at least age to fight a war is 15 years even some Imams (religious leaders) and fuqaha (Muslim jursits), due to this narration of Ibn Umar radhiyAllahu 'anhu, have described the age of puberty to be at least 15 years.
Now the thing to ponder is that if Rasoolullah sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam announced the least age to participate in this Ghazwah to be 15 years, how it is possible that a minor aged girl should be allowed to enter this Ghazwah.
As I have mentioned before the responsibilities of the women who participated in wars included collecting the injoured from battlefield, medical aids, giving away drinking water even supplying arms if required. Obviously this is not easy for any woman to perform these duties not to mention 9 or 10 year old girls.
A woman can perform these serious jobs only when she is familiar with some logistic requirements and if required must be able to defend her ownself even she should be this much courageous to enter the battlefield according to circumstances.
Umm ‘Ammarah radhiyAllahu 'anha
In this Ghazwah Umm ‘Ammarah radhiyAllahu 'anhu was amongst those who were defending the Holy Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam. That day she received 17 wounds on her body. Rasoolullah sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam had her dressing done in his own supervision.
She fought with Ibn Qummiyah who attacked Rasoolullah sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam with the stone. She was attacking him with a stick and he was striking back with a sword. Even that with her strike he fell down and his head broke, on which my Nabi sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam started laughing.
She participated in the War of Yamamah against Muselmah Kazzab and had a regular fight in which she received 12 wounds to the extent that her hands lost functioning in this war.
Women who didn’t participate regularly in the war, were also armed.
Umm Saleem (or Sulaym) radhiyAllahu 'anha
Ibn Sa’d narrates that on the day of Uhud, Umm Saleem radhiyAllahu 'anhu had a dagger.
Hadhrat Anas radhiyAllahu 'anhu states that
In the war of Hunayn, Umm Saleem was holding a dagger. Abu Talha radhiyAllahu 'anhu said, ‘Ya Rasoolullah sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam, this is Umm Saleem and she holds a dagger.’. When Umm Saleem radhiyAllahu 'anha heard, she said, ‘Ya Rasoolullah sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam, I keep this dagger with me in order to tear the belly of a kafir who should come close to me.’
(Tabqaat Ibn Sa’d, volume 8, page 425)
This detail explains that participation in a Ghazwah or war is not the job of a small girl and then Hadhrat Umm Saleem radhiyAllahu 'anha who is the mother of Hadhrat Anas radhiyAllahu 'anhu, is a mature aged and experienced (in life) woman and participated in many Ghazwaat along with Rasoolullah sallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam.
Our Mother, Saiyidah ‘Aishah Siddeeqah of the Universe radhiyAllahu 'anha
We have proven above that Ummul Momineen took her part in Ghazwah of Badr as a woman. And they were active along with Umm Saleem radhiyAllahu 'anha in Ghazwah of Uhud as well.
Hadhrat Anas radhiyAllahu 'anhu says,
I saw ‘Aishah bint Abi Bakr and Umm Saleem (radhiyAllahu ‘anhuma), they had their legs of trousers raised and the back of their shank were visible to me. Both of them had water skins lifted and gave mujahideen water to drink, then went back to fill them again and supply mujahideen with water to drink.
(Bukhari, volume 1, page 403)
Another atheist out to lampoon Islam again. I will try to be comprehensible and can only relay the knowledge granted to us by Allah and his Messenger
The question of the atheist making this preposterous claim of the age of nine being not feasible for marriage speaks of the ignorance behind this individuals thinking. There are a number of clauses to be taken into consideration here.
The first being that Hazrat Aisha's
Narrated Aisha: "The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Alright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Merits of the Helpers in Madinah (Ansaar), Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234)"
Note in the Hadith that it is narrated by Hazrat Aisha
And even until today in 3rd world countries (Muslims and non-Muslims), little girls as young as 9 or 10 do get married.
With respect to the atheisst insane comment of it not being medically practical he has to submit proof for his statement. In a blunt way of putting it, when is it too young for a girl to get married?
If a girl has reached puberty thus she is old enough to concieve and be a mother and hence physically i.e. medically there is nothing abnormal if such a girl marries irrespective of what her age is. When does puberty start? Although puberty usually starts between ages 8 to 13 in girls, it may start earlier or later. The age factor is determined by largely social cultures. For an atheist who doesn't adhere to any religion, its totally hypocriotical of such a person to attack cultural practices.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) married Hazrat Aisha
Among her virtues was the fact that the Revelation did not descend when he under one cover with any of his wives other than her. She was one of the dearest of all people to the Prophet
With regard to the story of her marriage, the Prophet
1 - He saw a dream about marrying her. It is proven in al-Bukhaari from the hadeeth of Hazrat Aisha
2 - The love of the Prophet
It may be noted that among his wives were those who were young and old, the daughter of his sworn enemy, the daughter of his closest friend. One of them occupied herself with raising orphans, another distinguished herself from others by fasting and praying qiyaam a great deal... They represented all kinds of people, through whom the Messenger of Allah
Anyway getting back to the issue of the age of puberty for I feel this is the core matter which the atheist is based his entire attack upon, the age of consent has only recently been increased to 16 or 18 in some countries based upon 'medical findings'. The thing is that medical findings change from time to time and are thus not worthy of being a cause to base such an opinion upon. For example it was widely reported that drinking lots of water was good for you, but recent reports and stuyd prove that drinking too much water can have serious consequences. So you can see that medical science changes and its reliability is questionable.
Even today there have been reports of children as young as 9 and 12 giving birth to children without any risk or so. To put a first hand example my own grandmother is alive and well and she was married at around the age of 10 and is Alhamdulillah the most healthiest one of the family.
Check this article here where it clearly says of the Byzantine era 'Child brides, whether Byzantines or foreign princesses, were the norm rather than the exception':
There are also instances of child marriages at this modern age as well
This proves that physically its no issue that a girl can get married at the age of nine or even less.
The other factor is the cultural aspect of the marriage. Like I mentioned that child marriages were very common in those days. Firstly, Prophet's proposal to Aisha
Secondly, the fact that Aisha
The atheist is trying to strike a comparison between the conditions of the present time and what was existing 1400 years ago. He are trying to apply the criterions of the Western society to that society that existed in the Arabian Peninsula very long ago which is totally unfair and simply speaking bigoted ignorance on the part of the atheist.
Also there is not a single NOT A SINGLE Hadith which shows that Hazrat Aisha
I find it so sickening that immoral people who have no shame and restriction on their own perverted sex lives would even so much as DARE to point fingers at our beloved Prophet Muhammad
May Allah protect us from all fitna.
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